Safety Suggestions For Hot Yoga

01/10/2011 16:52

Practitioners new to hot yoga might wonder why heat is such an integral part of the exercise process. The explanations why heat is helpful are in fact quite numerous, and allow the usual advantages of yoga to be increased. The heat and humidity additionally make otherwise simple workouts tougher. Like any workout program, one should also remain mindful of the possible hazards that are present because of the heat so that they can safely get the most out of hot yoga.

Before taking a hot yoga class, it is very important to drink plenty of water so that you don't get dehydrated. You will be sweating to a large extent, and so taking a water bottle into the workout room is a wise plan, and then continuing to replenish lost water afterwards. In contrast, you should abstain from eating for about two hours beforehand, since it can be uncomfortable to have your body in the process is digesting food while trying to perform deep stretches. You also want your sweat to be fairly "clean" for the sake of other practitioners and keep the workout room smelling as fresh as possible.

The appropriate attire for hot yoga is fairly apparent to most - make sure it is easy to move in and as airy as possible. If you can, go into the hot yoga room a few minutes early so that your body can have additional time to get used to the high temperature. During practice, if you start feeling dizzy, then take however long you need stretching on the mat in order to feel better. Most instructors try to dissuade practitioners from leaving the room if they start getting uncomfortable, as it is not only disruptive to the class, but many people sell themselves short by leaving early when they could instead allow their bodies to grow more accustomed to the exercise over time and get over the anxiety early on in preparation for future classes.

Once you have gotten past the initial learning curve, it is easier to take note of the heat's more soothing properties. Hot yoga allows your body to stretch its muscles, joints, and ligaments more easily so that you can gain flexibility and move into the various poses without strain. Your heart also gets a workout so that your entire body gets oxygenated and helps in the removal of waste and toxins. The body's metabolism will speed up and allow for the breakdown of fatty acids, and the rise in your body's base temperature helps support your immune system.

You should approach hot yoga slowly at first, but then you will find you make leaps and bounds in progress the longer you stay with classes. Someday you might even see yourself at the front of the room teaching others if you find hot yoga has been a large positive influence in your life. Hot yoga can even be a meditative practice after a long day, as it supports the body and mind. Discover what hot yoga can do for you, and then experience its healing aspects in your life.

If you have ever thought of becoming a yoga instructor, get started with your yoga teacher trainings by joining a good course that specializes in yoga instructor certification.